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Alternative Rules & Campaigns

In this section you will find Alternative Rules, (often called House Rules), and rules for campaign settings. In the case of rules, the documents will be "living documents." What this means is that the document will be updated periodicly with new rules, instead of having multiple documents with seperate rules. Both rules and campaign rules will have their own sections on the page to avoid confusion.

NOTICE:Since learning to use Indesign, I have started to create better PDF's. So until I can get around to revisiting some of the other PDF's, anything new to the site will make use of the format I've created for my stuff.

Alternative Rules

Name Download
NEWHero System


Name Description Download
Day's Gone For Savage Worlds
Based on the PS4 video game

Homebrew Game Rules

Name Description Download
Unofficial Dragon Ball TTRPG
This is an entirely new game system created by myself. It makes use of dice pools and offers 3 different rules for running a game. Please keep in mind that only 1 person has worked on this game system. There were no teams of people, just hours of labor to try and create a new game system. It's not perfect, and in some ways there's probably no real way to have a perfect game system that reflects how things work in the Dragon Ball world.
Dragon Ball 1-Page RPG The following is the current 1-page RPG of Dragon Ball that I created. You will find this in the Unofficial Rules above, but is provided here in two easy and seperate downloads for those who would prefer not to download a large zip file and get all the extra stuff.

Colored Sheet

Less Colored Sheet